Color Blocked Nail Art!

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Hello my lovely readers! Today’s post is all about the nails I rocked a week ago for Easter Sunday. I’m pretty new to the nail art game, but had been dying to try a little something extra, so this design worked out perfectly! It’s pretty easy to master, and I’m pretty proud of the way mine came out after my first try 🙂



The polishes I used are by Morgan Taylor in the shades Color Me Bold (an electric orange) and Birthday Suit (the perfect nude for my light skin tone). I’m not sure where you can purchase these in stores (I got mine in a goody bag while interning at LAFW) but I found both shades online here and here.


While I kind of winged my technique while doing this design, I found a tutorial here. The only difference when I did it was that I layered two pieces of tape over one another to create the triangle. Both techniques work just fine though!

Two tips: be sure your nails are 200% dry before adding the tape onto your base color, and be sure to press down on the tape so that lines stay clean 🙂

If any of you end up trying this out, be sure to comment below and link me to your results!! I’d love to see 😀

Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this post, be sure to follow me on here or through Bloglovin’! I also have a Twitter account and an Instagram account 🙂


Denim Blue

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Hello my lovely readers! Today I bring you a comfortable yet very put together look, I’ve worn it twice in the past week. It works in a variety of situations; for example I wore it on a trip to the LACMA last Friday and to school this past week. The weather here in Los Angeles has been quite nice this week. While I’m upset that we didn’t get any rain this winter, it’s nice to feel some warmth, and to begin the attempt to look even the slightest bit tan before leaving for Europe this summer 😀

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I’ve been loving my Converse lately, there’s something so down to earth about them. As for skirts, I’m sure you can tell I’m obsessed. I think they’re the perfect transition into summer, right before the shorts season fully starts. To make skirts more comfortable for school, I always layer some spandex underneath. Then there’s no accidental flashing!

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Now moving on to the focus of this outfit: my denim jacket (also known as my newest love). For weeks I had been lusting after one similar to this at Topshop (linked below). However, after discussing the topic with my mom, she brightly replied, “I have one in my closet that you can have!”. Thus, I scored this killer jacket for no money 🙂 For me, it ties together the outfit. Not only does it add something more to the simple skirt and shirt combo, but it also succeeds in keeping me warm in my arctic classrooms. Also it gives off a cool vibe in my opinion, and balances out the girly vibe of that skirt.

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Jacket: Vintage from Germany (similar here) — Shirt: Ann Taylor — Skirt: Brandy Melville

Shoes: Converse — Nail Polish: Essie Mint Candy Apple

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For school I like to keep my makeup simple and natural. I added some lip color here (Revlon Lip Butter in Lollipop) but other than that my face stays pretty basic (I value my sleep in the morning, and save more heavy makeup for the weekends).

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And here’s one last outtake 🙂 As my brother and I were out shooting on the street, our dog Lucy wandered over and of course I had to bend down to give her a cuddle! 🙂 It actually has to be one of my favorite pictures of the day.

Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this post, be sure to follow me on here or through Bloglovin’! I also have a Twitter account and an Instagram account 🙂
